Sandra Haynes

Sandra Haynes
402 Balcom Rd.
Newport, WA 99156
(541) 399-3364
“Being around wild animals was just part of my life thanks to the teachings of Dad and his brothers as they taught me a lifetime of knowledge about the surrounding heavy timber inhabitants.”
Later, in the company of uncles on the other side of the family, Sandra learned the western ways of cowboys on ranches and competing in the rodeo arena. One uncle raised working ranch horses and running horses and generously taught her what conformation and breeding meant to each discipline.
Being married to a horse trainer in part of her adult life, she was privileged to work with and ride some of the top western events Quarter Horses in the nation, including 3 Supreme Champion Quarter Horses. This gave Sandra’s paintings an authenticity of having lived the western life.
The child who loved to draw, immersed in the world of wildlife, woods or cowboy life, has grown into a mountain woman herself, one who shares, through her art and through her wisdom, the beauty of the world she knows.
Sandra has won many awards and is a juried Signature Member of the International Society of Scratchboard Artists and a co-founder of the Legends West Art Show in Great Falls, MT.