Carmen Luna

Luna C Carvings
P.O. Box 647
Malta, MT, 59538
(406) 654-1145 h
(406) 390-0073 c
Instagram: luna_c_bird_carvings
My professional work as a Wildlife Biologist has been my inspiration and reference material for my medium. I have been carving birds for over 30 years. Since that time I have competed and done well in major wildfowl carving competitions around the country. Much of my work is in private collections throughout the United States.
My bird carvings are all original pieces of art. I carve the birds out of Tupelo gum wood, create the feathers by using a wood burning tool, use glass eyes, and I make the legs and feet out of brass and/or copper tubing. Any habitat accompanying the carving is also hand made.
My desire to create life-like birds is not to create a perfect replica, but to capture the essence of the bird, do justice to its beauty, and at the same time create a beautiful piece of art.
“People say I’m obsessed with birds. They are right. I find birds and other wildlife fascinating. I think the world would be a sadder place without birds.”